Today is my last day here in America as I am leaving tomorrow afternoon to go back to England. I guess this calls for a small resume about my time here.

Working in the office for Tangram Media with Elesa, Jeremy, Carmen and Sven was a great experience that I wouldn’t want to miss. I learned new things, got to be creative and help out where ever something was needed. Although some days might have been a bit tougher than others 😉 all in all there was always a very nice, relaxed atmosphere.

Living with “the boss” and the family was a lot fun too. Come rain or shine (and there was definitely more shine than rain) we always had a great time together with some good laughs, crazy ideas and nice conversations. We visited Mount Mitchell, the beach, Wilmington, Charlotte, Charleston and I saw so many things that were, in a way, new to me.

Right from the first day here I was welcomed very openly and warmly by everyone I met. It made it very easy for me to sort of blend in and not feel left out in any way. I was instantly included in all sorts of groups and that is something I am very thankful for.

When I leave tomorrow, I am going with a tear in my eye and a smile too. Because although I had a great time and never felt homesick, it is always nice to come home. But I am sure that this won’t be the last time you see me around here 🙂

Everyone I met made this trip unforgettable and very special to me; so thank you all for that; especially the guys in the office here and my “host” family.


See you around next time, Kate