Web Development Tangram MediaWhat may sound like the beginning of one of Aesop’s well-known fables is actually the title of our new Tangram Media blog. So just lean back and enjoy reading the very first of many to come β€œoffice stories”.

If you have been lucky enough to visit us at our Seven Lakes office you have surely noticed our two company β€œpets”: The Panda and the Gecko. Well, they are of course no β€œreal pets”. The Panda is actually only a panda head on a wooden stick which we brought back from a trip to Cozumel, Mexico.The Gecko is a colorful iron wall decor which we found in a local store although we weren’t even looking for it ….

While the Panda enjoys sitting with the President (he has his own little area next to Sven’s desk), the Gecko adds fun to our conference room. Not that we would need extra fun, LOL. So, how is it that the little bodyless bear gets to stay with the boss while the Gecko has to attend all company meetings and customers conferences? Well, one Friday afternoon a couple of months ago, Sven and Jeremy had the idea of finding ourselves nicknames – as you might have guessed already: just for fun. And since most people associate the Panda bear with character traits like β€œfriendly, cheerful, encouraging, gentle and happy” we thought this would be the perfect nickname for our President. Strange enough, we have never come up with nicknames for Jeremy and myself so far. We have simply been too busy but maybe you can help us? Let me provide you with some character traits for Jeremy and myself and let’s see what you can come up with …

Here we go:

Carmen: lively, creative, positive, funny, ambitious, thoughtful

Jeremy: reliable, dependable, clever, precise, determined, trusting

Suggestions are gladly accepted!

So, next time you come to our office, make sure you say β€œhi” to our pets.