According to Heather M. Whitney of βProfHackerβ these are the items you SHOULD Β keep in your office desk (apart from the standard office supplies):Mints, over-the-counter pain medicines, antacids, deodorant, contact lens solution, cough drops, facial tissue, band-aids, antihistamines, dried fruit and nuts, tea bags, hair comb/brush, lip balm, candyWell, and here are some of the items, women are ACTUALLY keeping in those drawers:USB drive, cologne, take-out menus, energy drinks, granola bars, candy, soda, instant oatmeal, popcorn, extra napkins, plastic silverware, water bottle, shoe brush, dollar bills, ipod, magazines, chewing gum, lucky charm, CDβs, phone charger, manicure-set, crayons, clorox wipes, lip gloss, coffee mugs, buttons, loose change, business cards, hand sanitizer …Obviously, there is a huge discrepancy between the items that are recommend and the Β ones we really do keep in our drawers. Since we are not quite sure about the sex of our panda and gecko pets, letβs hope for now they are males ….Oh before I forget … When asked: βWhat WOULD you like to keep in your office/desk?β
one person responded β… an inflatable bed.β
I can definitely sympathize with that!
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