Blog, Facebook, Marketing, Social Media
With social media becoming more and more visual it’s imperative you are using images as part of your social media marketing strategy. Whether it’s a profile, cover or post image you need to ensure it’s the correct size and shape for the platform you’re working with....
Blog, Pinterest, Social Media
Problems with Pinterest? Can’t make it work? YOU’RE NOT ALONE! Many of our customers have expressed problems on how to use Pinterest effectively for their business. After yesterday’s Social Media Event at the Sandhills Community College I decided to...
Marketing, Random Thoughts, Social Media
“Black Hole” your customers When done right, social media can create a “black hole effect” around a brand in which customers not only create excitement around your brand but also immerse themselves in it. The keyword here being “customer”. The secret is to put...
Facebook, Hosting, Social Media
Finally the new Timeline profile is being rolled out, like it or not… considering most of the general public has whined and complained about the most recent changes to Facebook. Timeline might be a different story! Businesses will still have to wait for any...
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